Analog and Digital Communication


Definition: A Quantizer is a device that changes the sampled input signal into quantized signal that has some predetermined fixed voltage levels. The level of the quantizer depends on the encoder. As the bit value of encoder decides the quantization level. Suppose in the circuit has the 2-bit encoder, then n will be 2. Thus …

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Noise in Communication System

Definition: Noise in a communication system is basically undesirable or unwanted signals that get randomly added to the actual information carrying signal. Resultantly, causes disturbances in the original signal being transmitted from an end to another. The presence of noise in the system causes interference in the signal being transmitted and this ultimately causes errors …

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Difference Between Analog and Digital Communication

Definition: Analog and digital communications are the two types of data transmission system however several factors generate the difference between the two. The major difference between analog and digital communication lies in the signal being transmitted. In analog communication, the message signal is in analog form i.e., continuous time signal. As against in digital communication, …

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Difference Between Amplitude Modulation and Frequency Modulation

Amplitude and frequency modulation are the two techniques used to modulate a signal in order to have long-distance as well as proper transmission. The major difference between amplitude modulation and frequency modulation lies in the method of modulating the signal. In amplitude modulation, variation in amplitude of carrier signal according to the message signal is …

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