Karnaugh Map (K-map)

Definition: Karnaugh Map usually abbreviated as K-map is a systematic approach used for simplifying Boolean expressions or logic functions. It is majorly used method for minimizing the Boolean expressions. K map is basically known to be a different method for the representation of truth table. The Karnaugh map (K map) according to the variables involved …

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Definition: A Quantizer is a device that changes the sampled input signal into quantized signal that has some predetermined fixed voltage levels. The level of the quantizer depends on the encoder. As the bit value of encoder decides the quantization level. Suppose in the circuit has the 2-bit encoder, then n will be 2. Thus …

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Capacitive Transducers

Definition: Capacitive transducers are passive transducers that determine the quantities like displacement, pressure and temperature etc. by measuring the variation in the capacitance of a capacitor. As we know that a transducer changes a form of energy into another form. So, in the capacitive transducer, the change in the capacitance is used to measure the …

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Noise in Communication System

Definition: Noise in a communication system is basically undesirable or unwanted signals that get randomly added to the actual information carrying signal. Resultantly, causes disturbances in the original signal being transmitted from an end to another. The presence of noise in the system causes interference in the signal being transmitted and this ultimately causes errors …

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Definition: Encoders (or binary encoders) are the combinational circuits that are used to change the applied input signal into a coded format at the output. These digital circuits come under the category of medium scale integrated circuit. Basically, these are used to minimize the number of data lines as well as to code the input …

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Difference Between LVDT and RVDT

Both LVDT and RVDT are basically sensors that are used to measure displacement. But the major difference between LVDT and RVDT is that an LVDT senses and transforms linear displacement into an electrical signal. While an RVDT senses angular displacement and transforms it into an electrical signal. Some more crucial differences exist between LVDT and …

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Full-Wave Rectifiers

Definition: A full wave rectifier is a rectification circuit that is used to change the overall ac signal that is applied across its terminals into a pulsating dc form. We know that rectification is nothing but the conversion of ac signal into dc. However, basically there exist two types of rectifiers, the first one is …

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Half-Wave Rectifiers

Definition: A Half-Wave Rectifier is a device that converts only one half of the applied ac signal into pulsating dc. The other half of the applied ac signal gets suppressed by the rectifier circuit. A half wave rectifier circuit uses only a single diode, due to the unidirectional current flow property of the diode. We …

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Difference Between LED and Photodiode

One of the major differences between LED and photodiode is related to their operating principle. An LED is a device that works on the principle of electro-luminance. While the operation of a photodiode depends on the principle of photoconduction. Basically when an external potential is provided then a light emitting diode gives off light. Whereas …

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